Our Story


Helping villagers getting out of dept, one cement pot at a time

Sabay Cement was born out of the belief that entrepreneurship and education are the great equalizers. People in the villages struggle to find jobs and make a living, which is even more difficult during the rainy season. Our goal was to find a way to help them earn a bit of extra income. We came up with quite a few different ideas, but most were not feasible.

One day, as we walked along the red dirt road on Fish Island, Kampot, our eyes were captivated by the beauty of the nature surrounding us. The variety of colours and textures of the rocks, stones, and pebbles that were all around us made us wonder how we could transform them into something beautiful. As a result, Sabay Cement was born.  

By using local, accessible materials, we aim to create beautiful, modern home decor. Many of our creations use 'trash' that we collect from Kampot's streets and beaches, such as wine glasses, plastic bottles, bricks, etc. While we are still at the beginning of the process, we hope in the long run to engage as many villagers as possible and teach them how to produce these items so they can earn an extra income and get out of debt. 

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